Finding The Fun In Bingo
We all have our favourite games, whether
it is gunning down bad guys in the latest shoot 'em up or a simple game
of Chinese checkers. For the general public in the United Kingdom, there
is one game in particular that is generating the most traffic:
online bingo
The reasons for bingo's online popularity
are varied, although the game does spring from a well-heeled tradition
and history in the UK, though we cannot claim to have invented it. That
lofty title resides with the Italians, with the creation of Lo Giouco
del Lotto d'Italia in the sixteenth century. However, despite inventing
the game so many years ago, the Italian public cannot enjoy its online
variant due to a nationwide ban - although bizarrely they can enjoy
the game in traditional bingo halls! While Italy is currently running
through a process of appeal (much to the delight of the Italian public),
we are able to enjoy the game in all its glory, and it is worth reminding
ourselves of exactly what it is that we love about the game.
Fun and Friendship
Bingo is not just about playing a game
with an opportunity to win prizes, although this is a happily beneficial
side-effect! Online bingo presents players with the social opportunities
that they might otherwise not enjoy. Much like social networking sites
such as
they provide players with the opportunity to enjoy live chatting while
participating in games online.
Improving Your Game
The opportunity to chat does not necessarily
take the eyes from the prize. As the game rolls on, naturally the talk
can be centred around the balls, calls and plays that appear before
the very eyes of the community. Ergo, as play spins round the online
bingo players are more than willing to share hints and tips with the
others as there is no edge to be gained in this, the most communal of
Thus, the game unfolds and the jokes roll out. One player wins and the others celebrate the triumph. Of course, many online bingo sites have Facebook pages as well, bringing the community together a step further. After all, it is this community that makes the game the great institution that it is.